Saturday, 31 October 2015

The mask we wear

   Do you know people become the way you want them to seem like? You know people have some intentions for being who they let you think they are?
     We live in a world where everyone wants to be appreciated and accepted. For being accepted we start showing the other version of ourselves hiding our true identity. Its kind strange that even the people love those  unreal and false people? Like icebergs,people normally expose only the small part of themselves and generally just the part they wish to show.
Nowadays,people who tries to tell the truth about you for your betterment are always killed for helping you and named as"HARSH AND RUDE"  but we must keep these kind of people who speak the truth close to us rather than befriending them. have you ever seen a Bee?  Bee carries that sweet honey in her mouth but  stings from back. That's the truth about people nowadays. We are so influenced by animals and insects, that we have started  behaving like them. The sweetest ,the one's who appreciate you all the time even if you are on wrong path are not your friends. They are the 'FOES', 'The enemies acting like your friends.'

BEWARE OF THESE KIND OF PEOPLE. They will take your places and make you fall down.
We all wear so many masks, one after other. We become so attached to others so easily that even after their truth comes out we still cant believe it, and at last we start blaming ourselves. And we should. We should surely take care of what we share with others.
 Try to be yourself,leaving those fake people at your back. If you want people to love you for who you are ,take the mask off. The mask the people wear are  actually the opposite of the personality they're trying to hide.
I want to encourage you people to pay attention to this topic which is always left behind because of issues like rapes,harrasements, kidnapping and many others but do you know most of the time this is the root of these evils in our society. I hope there are people in your life who dont wear masks, or dont wear them often. Hangout with these "if you see a man of prudence,seek him out,let your feet wear away his footsteps." Hanging out  with wise people will make you wise. Pray God to give you courage to be yourself.
You're not suppose to stand in the crowd, shine alone and let the crowd come to you.

Thursday, 8 October 2015

Living dazzling

Your well being matters

Did anyone ever told you that you’re a revolution? That you are the answer to many of those questions you’ve been asking? That you are what you’ve been seeking?

Did you know that how you interact in the world around you makes a difference?

It’s true. You matter. You’re one of billions of people creating the world we live in, every, single day.
And because of this undeniable fact, you are immeasurably powerful. Oh, and your well being? Well, that matters – it really, really matters.
Nothing is more critical than the way we are within ourselves, because nothing affects our world more than the way we come to the table: how we interact, how we come alive or choose to dull our shine.
There are more than seven billion people on this planet. Can you imagine that? Seven billion bodies, personalities, and spirits walking around this earth, interacting, moving, gliding through personal dramas and triumphs, grief and great joy – and no one, not a single one of them is just like you.
Once you know this uniqueness, this rarity of who you are, how could you not want to cultivate, grow, and experience the entirety of who you are and reflect that back out into the world? The truest, fullest expression of you?
Looking to the outside world or external things to make you happy is kind of like depending on the weather. You could dress for a sunny day and get pummeled by the rain. But if you build yourself up from the inside out, whether by taking a break when you have too much on your plate or eating healthy food and getting fresh air and movement, you will feel different and be much more prepared for the storms of life.
As we perfect the latest technology and track ourselves like science experiments with calorie counters and mirrors that almost never reflect back to us what we see in the media, we must ask ourselves if the answer is much, much simpler. When you’re tired, take a break. No one is going to penalize you for lying face down on the couch for 15 minutes, or sneaking in a 10 minute walk around the block, filling your lungs with fresh air and feeling the warmth of the sun.

The answers to resetting and rebalancing are all around us. And they often don’t cost a thing. When your computer is acting up or your TV’s not working, what do you do? You shut it down for a few minutes. You give it a rest. So why would you not do the same for yourself? Doing is not always the answer. But being . . . practicing just breathing and being can change your entire perspective and the course of your day.
It’s not about being perfect; it’s about being well. That could mean a green smoothie for breakfast and a delicious steak and wine at dinner. It’s about moderation, balance, and knowing what’s right for you.
Whether you’re religious or an atheist, if you know in your heart that there’s something more to this life than skin and bones, then you know there’s something living and breathing inside you, the temple well of your body, that expresses itself to the outside world all the time.
A funny thing happens when you honor that place inside you, that uniqueness that only you hold and can offer the world – you go from just surviving to thriving. And it doesn’t have to be this perfect kind of life. Because the big secret is – there is no such thing as perfect.

The idea is to be proactive with your health and well being not reactive. If stress accounts for such a large percentage of illness, it means you can actively prevent, reduce and manage it. You can shape and nourish your overall health with decisions you make at any given moment of any given day.It means that if your physical health goes, you can continue to build up your mental, emotional and spiritual strength with positive results for your physical body. And vice versa. Science has proven that these elements of your body, of your well being are all interrelated.

And the magical part? The really, really cool part? Somehow when you do what lights up your being, what truly makes you smile, no matter how small, this thriving  not only helps you to survive what life throws at you . . . but it also helps you to actually come alive.
It’s vital for this world that you come alive because you are the only one of your kind.
Living bright means to shine from the inside out. To live from a place deep inside you that honors your true spirit and authentic self.

It’s filling yourself up so you can better give to others.
I truly believe that taking care of yourself mentally, physically and spiritually is a revolutionary act. Gandhi knew this when he said, “Be the change you wish to see in the world”.
The more we take full ownership and responsibility for our well being and happiness the more we reflect that well being, love, compassion, and kindness out into the world.
Everything you need is already inside you, you just need to shine some light on it, live well, and do what you can right now to let your best and most authentic self out into the world.
Let your life be your message.
Do not let a moment go by that doesn’t remind you that your heart, it beats 900 times every single day and that there are enough gallons of blood to make every one of you oceans.” — Anja Mojgani
Living Bright is inspiration to see life a little bit differently. Whether it’s finding out why yoga isn’t just for hippies or exploring the benefits of chocolate cake and music therapy. Being healthy doesn’t have to be boring and fitness doesn’t require a gym membership.

Sunday, 4 October 2015

The untold stories

Whenever something shity happens,we keep it inside us. It's true there is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside.
 The whole day we howl like the life is full of joys but the time we are all alone, all the laughs changes into lament.
 Bearing so much of pain,we shatter in pieces,keeping the stories untold . Thinking about the family, friends we ditch our own feelings. All say, we dont care...
But we do. We pay attention to each and everything happening to us. Its just that we dont react to it. We cry, we stay mum and thn we Regret....
We regret the things we did showing others how strong we're makes us more fragile but we still do it so no one can judge us for being feeble.
They call us obsessed, they call us wicked but the truth is deep inside it hurts and we cry
We cry for trusting those morons who betrayed us. Isn't it interesting that we keep so much inside us without letting anyone know about it?
Yes we're emotional, we wry. But it's better than  being harsh on others. Isn't it? Those  late nights when we sit outside or in our window,recalling all the stuff.
Isn't it crazy that we are so strong at heart we bear so much pain both physically and mentally still ironically called fragile .
 Those fake smiles and counterfeit laughters would never let anyone know the truth behind them but yes we're strong...we are..!!
Everyone has an untold story hidden behind closed doors, try to understand that people are not always the same as they seem to be..